How to use

Copy-paste the following <script> near the end of your pages under JS Implementing Plugins to enable it.

                <script src="../node_modules/clipboard/dist/clipboard.min.js"></script>

Copy-paste the following <script> near the end of your pages under JS Front to enable it.

                <script src="../assets/js/hs-clipboard.js"></script>

Copy-paste the init function under JS Plugins Init., before the closing </body> tag, to enable it.

                  $(document).on('ready', function () {
                    // initialization of clipboard
                    $('.js-clipboard').each(function() {

Tooltip example

Change icon

Cut to clipboard

Use action="cut"


Parameters Description Default value
type Callback type. null
contentTarget Content. null
classChangeTarget Class to be changed. null
defaultClass Default class for change target. null
successText Add text when copy to clipboard is success. null
successClass Add class when copy to clipboard is success. null
originalTitle Default title for tooltip. null