
You can also invert the colors—with light text on dark backgrounds—with .table-dark.

Use the modifier classes .thead-light to make <thead>s appear light.

Add border to the top of the thead with the .thead-light class where .table-borderless class is used.

.table-nowrap fixes horizontal scrollbar/alignment in responsive.

Vertically center align tbody items with the .table-align-middle class.

Center align items with the .table-text-center class.

Right align items with the .table-column-right-aligned class.

.table-column-pr-0 removes the padding right .table-column-pl-0 or padding lefts of a single column.


Use .table-sm class.

Use .table-lg class.

Bookmarked checkbox

The star icons can be bookmarked with checkbox.

Other classes to note

Class Description
.table-input-group Adds min-width: 14rem; to an input-group
Example: API Keys.
.table-progress Replaces the default width and heights.
Example: Table of the main chart Dashboard alternative.