Border spinner


The border spinner uses currentColor for its border-color, meaning you can customize the color with text color utilities. You can use any of our text color utilities on the standard spinner.

Growing spinner

If you don't fancy a border spinner, switch to the grow spinner. While it doesn't technically spin, it does repeatedly grow!

Once again, this spinner is built with currentColor, so you can easily change its appearance with text color utilities. Here it is in blue, along with the supported variants.


Spinners in Bootstrap are built with rems, currentColor, and display: inline-flex. This means they can easily be resized, recolored, and quickly aligned.


Use flexbox utilities , float utilities , or text alignment utilities to place spinners exactly where you need them in any situation.



Text align


Add .spinner-border-sm and .spinner-grow-sm to make a smaller spinner that can quickly be used within other components.