How to use

Copy-paste the stylesheet <link> into your <head> to load the CSS.

                <link rel="stylesheet" href="../node_modules/@yaireo/tagify/dist/tagify.css">

Copy-paste the following <script> near the end of your pages under JS Implementing Plugins to enable it.

                <script src="../node_modules/@yaireo/tagify/dist/tagify.min.js"></script>

Copy-paste the following <script> near the end of your pages under JS Front to enable it.

                <script src="../assets/js/hs.tagify.js"></script>

Copy-paste the init function under JS Plugins Init., before the closing </body> tag, to enable it.

                  $(document).on('ready', function () {
                    // initialization of tagify
                    $('.js-tagify').each(function () {
                      var tagify = $.HSCore.components.HSTagify.init($(this));

Basic example


Use "blacklist": ["apple", "ananas", ...] prop.

Remove Button

Use "clearBtnSelector": "#removeTagsBtn" prop.


Start typing 'a' with @ or #. For sample @apple

List manually

Custom template


Parameters Description Default value
clearBtnSelector Clear all tags. null
hasManualList Add menu with tags. false